1 kings 3:10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. Some time ago I was away from home for two weeks. Whenever I called home my four year old daughter would make sure that she had her turn at the phone. I am certain that she was completely unaware that the tenor and thrust of our conversations were almost always the same. They went something like this; Her: Daddy, where are you? Me: I have travelled for work Her: Daddy, you are taking (soooo) long. Me: I will be back soon. What did you do today? Her: Daddy are you far away? Me: Yes, but on Sunday I will be back. What did you do today? Then she would sweetly ask. Her: Daddy, will you bring me a present? Me: Yes, I will get you a present. Thereafter I would overhear her excitedly telling her brother that I would buy her 'present for a princess!' Whatever that is. Monotonous as they were, I would actually look forward...