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Sermon notes-Sexual Purity

Introduction-where it all began

Many years ago I read a science fiction novel that described life after a major nuclear war. As people struggled to survive, a scientist discovered medicine that could protect humans against the harmful effects of radiation. However it had a major side-effect. Whoever took the pill found that he could suddenly hear other people’s thoughts.

Many intriguing possibilities arose for those who could read other people’s thoughts and soon the drug became restricted to a master-class of rulers who used their new-found ability to rule the masses.

Which makes me wonder; what are you thinking right now?

Well, some several years ago Ohio State University commissioned a research to determine how many times men and women think about some key things every 24 hours. The results were pretty interesting:
The tally
So there you are! Now you know what the guy seated next to you is thinking or will be thinking about in the next 1 hour.
Guys, sorry to disappoint you but the ladies are not thinking as much about it as you do. Their minds are on to what’s up for lunch. May be they are even planning dinner already!
If you are like me then you have probably asked in your thoughts;
·        Why is getting a good a guy or a good girl for that matter so fraught with pitfalls and complicated?
·       Why has the desire for physical intimacy also become the source of so many heartbreaks? Why are relationships and marriages so often frustrating and difficult?
·       Why do we fight the same temptations over and over again? As a young man I fought the desire to watch porn, to seduce the girl next door, to sleep with some of my ‘Christian’ girlfriends. Now as a married man I still have to consciously fight the desire to flirt with other women and to say ‘No!’ to emotional entanglements with other women.
·       Why has the desire for physical intimacy become the source of habits that enslave us and passions that cause people to do extremely bad things?
·       Why do we struggle with same-sex attraction?
Was it always like this?
Over and above everything else I choose the bible as my source of answers for all of life’s big questions. I invite you to do the same this morning.
So what does the bible say?
Genesis 1 & 2 records that God created man and woman as His last act of creation in the Genesis story. And as someone has said, “We always save the best for last!” So it was with God; Man and woman were His crowning acts of creation.
Everything else, God created by speaking it into being. However when it came to man and woman, it was very personal. The bible records that God formed him out of the soil or clay of the ground and then breathed into him life.
Now isn’t it interesting that in 2013 a Chinese Professor called Dan Luo at Cornell University came to the conclusion clay 'might have been the birthplace of life on Earth that clay soil has all the necessary ingredients needed for living organisms to come to life?
It is also on record that Researchers at NASA's Ames Research Center confirmed that every element in man can be found in the soil/clay.
Basically they were telling us what we have known all along from the bible-that God created man from elements in the soil. But now I digress…
Man and woman were the best of God’s handiwork. They were created in such a way that their nature and personality reflected certain important aspects of their Creator. In other words, God created the man or woman seated next to you in His image.
By creating man and woman in His image, God automatically gave them a value way above other animals.
However, today there are those who would have us believe that you and I are no better than improved apes and hence to be guided by our instincts much like the bull or the proud cockerel.
After God created man and woman He blessed them.
 Now, isn’t it interesting that the first blessing pronounced upon man and woman was regarding their sexuality?
 For God said,
1:28a “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”
Some modern bibles simply translate this to say, “…and have many kids…J
Thus, when God created man and woman, He saw their sexuality as something good. He looked upon it as the means by which they would procreate and become numerous.
 God’s thought was that as they multiplied He could delegate rulership of the earth to them. Thus He blessed them and pronounced His blessing specifically over the sexual capabilities.
This is how it was in the beginning. And that's how God wants it; that when He looks at you, He can pronounce His blessing over you without feeling uncomfortable.
After God created woman, He brought her to Adam, the first man. Now, it goes without saying that Adam was the first man to ever see a woman naked J. He was so mesmerized that he went,
Wooowoooo!! maan!!!
And that is how she became known as woman.
Ok that’s not exactly how the bible puts it though I am almost sure that’s what happened.
Thereafter the bible reads;
...a man shall leave his father's house and shall be united (married) to his wife and they shall become one flesh( or have sex).
In this simple statement the bible packs many teachings but the one we can come away with today is that, God envisioned sex only in the context of a heterosexual marriage setting.
God does not explain why He made it this way but sometimes it is just in the nature of God not to explain some things. He leaves us to discover by way of experience the benefits of obeying His instruction or the tragedy of ignoring His commandments.
However it is the last statement of Genesis 2 that is most intriguing.
2:25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
So it was with Adam and Eve, that when God first created them, there was no shame, no guilt, no embarrassment and no anxious moments of wondering;
“Will he accept me the way I am?”
“Will he find me beautiful?”
“How do I compare to other guys?”
Their peaceful and fulfilling relationship was centered on the blessing that God had pronounced upon them. It was also centered on what God had prescribed for them; that a man shall leave his father’s house and that he shall be become one with his wife (or married). Their peace was also premised on their daily walk of obedience with God.

God’s desire is to restore each one of us to a moment where there is no longer shame, guilt or pain regarding who we are and what we are doing with our bodies.
When we keep sexually pure we can avoid many unnecessary pains in later life, embarrassing dramas, disease and even death.
This next reference to their sexuality explains this;
3:7b …they knew they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
What had happened?
One moment they were like innocent children before each other, and the next they were feeling guilty and embarrassed to see each other’s nakedness. The first sign of drama related to sin.
What had happened?
In genesis 3 we read that God had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from a particular tree He had put in the garden where they lived. However they gave in to temptation and disobeyed God. One of the immediate consequences was that they lost their child-like innocence before each other.
Like Adam and Eve, each of us is often tempted to do something we know in our heart of hearts is not right.
Now, if you are a little like me, then you probably face temptation on a daily basis.
A good many who are tempted give in. They then do what I call sexual misbehavior.
Sexual misbehavior is when we violate any of the commandments God has pronounced regarding our sexuality.
Adam and Eve did not get into trouble because they indulged in sex. Their first trouble came about because they disobeyed an express command of God. Disregard for God’s instruction led to the first sign of trouble in their relationship.
 Their disobedience also led to trouble for all their future children which is all of us.
So it is with us today. Any time we go against what God has said we bring upon ourselves drama, shame, guilt, disease and even death. Let us consider one epic story from the bible.
In the book of II Samuel chapters 11 & 12, King David chanced upon his neighbor’s wife taking a bath. Instead of looking away like a proper gentleman, akaendelea kuangalia tu. Soon he was consumed with lust for her and he seduced and slept with her. Then she sent him that most dreaded of sms,
 “I am pregnant”
Afterwards, he tried to cover the whole matter up by having the poor woman’s husband killed. Later God sent a prophet to him who told him;
 10 So now the sword will never depart from your house. For you have despised me by taking the wife of Uriah the Hittite as your own!’  11 This is what the Lord says: ‘I am about to bring disaster on you from inside your own household! Right before your eyes I will take your wives and hand them over to your companion. He will have sexual relations with your wives in broad daylight!  12 Although you have acted in secret, I will do this thing before all Israel, and in broad daylight.’”
13 Then David exclaimed to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord!” Nathan replied to David, “Yes, and the Lord has forgiven your sin. You are not going to die.  14 Nonetheless, because you have treated the Lord with such contempt in this matter, the son who has been born to you will certainly die.”
We can glean a few lessons from this story;
1.     God says that David has despised Him by engaging in sex with another man’s wife. Is it possible that when we engage in sexual misbehavior God takes it that we are treating Him with contempt (madharau); that when God looks back to the time when Adam and Eve stood pure and innocent before each other and then at us committing sexual misbehavior, He actually feels as if ‘tunamudharau’?
2.     David tried to cover up his sexual misbehavior by killing a man-an even greater sin. Sometimes sex outside of marriage causes us to do things we would not ordinarily contemplate.  You had a one-night stand or even a passionate affair with someone for some time and it trapped you in a way you never thought could happen to you. As a man you are weighed down with guilt because you once made a girl pregnant and decided that your future is too important and so you completely disowned the girl you were with. Maybe you even disowned your child.  As a girl you decided to procure an abortion and now wonder whether your life is polluted forever. You don't feel like God could ever forgive you or love you.
3.     God said that what he did in secret, will lead to public shaming.
4.     God spoke a curse upon David’s family. There would be bloodshed in his family and there would be shameful incestuous sex in his family. Shortly thereafter in chapter 13, Amnon, David’s son raped his step-sister Tamar. Later Tamar’s brother Absalom, murdered Amnon in revenge. Again Absalom led a coup against David his father and then slept with his father’s concubines in plain sight. The coup eventually led to Absalom’s death.
Someone once told me that sex when embraced as God ordained in a marriage setting is like a calm river that flows gently along its course without much drama. However sex outside of marriage is like a river that bursts its banks and sweeps away anything that it finds along its path.
God’s original plan was for safe sex. There is no safe sex outside of the confines of marriage.
I once had an uncle. He was my favorite due to his kindness and gentle personality though I would not say he was particularly committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
 He was also very handsome and girls were never far away from his company. Like many young adults his age, he thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of seducing and sleeping with a girl here and there. At some point he decided to settle down. Two girls vied strenuously to become his official wife. I’d go to his house and find one doing his laundry as the other prepared his meals all the while exchanging dagger looks whenever their paths crossed.
Eventually one lady won and they had their first child. After a few years his wife died of pneumonia.
One day as he visited a friend in Nairobi, he was shot and injured by gangsters. After about 6 months he succumbed to his injuries.
However I was stunned to later learn that it was actually full blown AIDs that killed him. I miss him and often pray that somehow he asked God’s forgiveness and received Jesus in his heart before he died because I simply just contemplate him in hell.
Kay Arthur writing on sexual purity says;
Sin will take you farther than you ever intended to go,
 it will cost you more than you ever expected to pay,
and it will keep you longer than you ever intended to stay.
  • You see dear friend, like in David’s life and in my uncle’s,  sexual misbehavior is actually one of those sins that pollute you so bad as to spill over to  your future family and even lead to death.
  • God's desire is that in sexual purity, He may be able to bless you as He did Adam and Eve and restore to you the peace, calmness and love even as He protects your future children from acts that lead to death.
  • Malachi 2:15 says that the purpose for God in having us marry is that we may produce godly offspring/children who love God.
  • You could be the one that starts a line of godly peaceful offspring in your family line or you could simply be one of those that by your lifestyle are preparing a life of inexplicable nightmares for your future family.
  • The nature of sin is that it eventually comes out. And if it doesn’t seem to affect you now, then it will spill over in dramatic ways in your future life. Sin opens us up to many other problems. The bible describes the person who cannot keep himself under control as one who is open to every evil thing or trouble. It says;
A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out.Prov.25:28(msg)
When you indulge in sexual misbehaviour whether in secret or in public it opens up your life to all manner of drama, shame and guilt. Sometimes it leads to death.
I once worked in a place where some of the men placed bets on which of them would be the first to sleep with the newest, prettiest intern or girl in the company.
One night one of them went to enjoy himself with his catch at a hotel past Mlolongo. On their way back they came across a police roadblock. Dutifully the man stopped his car. A senior policeman walked over to his window, drew his pistol and fired two shots aimed at his groin. The woman took off into the bushes.
Somehow the man managed to drive himself to a hospital.
Later we learnt that the woman was the policeman’s wife. Our man was lucky that none of the bullets caught his assets down there!J
No wonder God says “Have nothing to do with the fruitless acts of darkness…”Eph.5:11
God wants to save you this kind of drama. He seeks to restore us to the purity, calmness and peace that initially existed between Adam and Eve.

And given that God is willing to forgive and turn around the life of the one who comes to Him in confession seeking forgiveness, wouldn’t you want to set matters right as soon as possible?



Someone once gave me these points on how to deal with sexual misbehavior as I struggled through youthful urges and temptations:

1.     Become a true follower of Jesus Christ. Ask God to forgive you every sin you have committed in this area and ask Jesus to come and take charge of your life. Paul writing in Acts 26:20 says, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.

2.     Starve it. You cannot avoid thinking about sex but you can limit impure thoughts by avoiding pornographic material, movies that depict nudity and foul language, books that describe sex acts and keeping good company.

3.     Crowd it out. Read the bible. It will grant you success in the things that matter for this life. The children recited:

Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.

 Joshua 1:8 also says, Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

4.     Call it out for what it is. Do not sanitize sin by giving it a less offensive name for sexual misbehavior is indeed an offense against God, against yourself; against the person you do it with and against your future children. When you lust after someone the bible either calls it adultery or fornication, when you give in to homosexual feelings it is not safe to say you were made that way.

5.     Do not hide it. Find someone who you can tell your story. Someone who will help you overcome your guilt, shame or addiction. Someone who will help you turn to God for forgiveness and stand by you no matter what.


 In the fight to live right and to set the course of our lives and that of our future children aright God is always on our side. He wants to restore in your life something very close to the peace and purity that existed in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. Are you willing to accept His offer of forgiveness and a new life?


Jesus said, “….whoever comes to me I will never drive away” john 6:37


He also said; Luke 5:32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”


What is to repent? It is simply to agree with God that what I have done is wrong, to ask His forgiveness and to make a commitment to live as God would want you to.


God calls us to agree with Him as a first step that what we have been doing is wrong. He is willing to forgive.

Whether for you it’s been masturbation, or you are struggling with same-sex attraction or if you have been cohabiting or if you have indulged in porn; God is willing to forgive.


In 1 John 1:9 the bible says;


If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (from all the mess that comes with wrong-doing)


He promises to turn our lives around if only we shall let Him.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17



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