Each year I find it perplexing that even those
who do not consider themselves true followers of Christ celebrate Christmas.
And they probably do it with more pomp than those who live by the commands of
In any celebration or commemoration it is only
a fool who participates without knowing the real reason behind the event. A
wise man does a little research before lending his time and largesse to a holy day
he doesn't fully understand. Only then can he appreciate the solemnity with
which true believers carry the day.
It seems to me that the excessive carousing and
binging around Christmas is testimony to man's ignorance on the things of God. Few stop to ask themselves; why Christmas?
A Sunday school class might probably
respond that Christmas is when we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. To which I
would pose the question; why is Christmas important?
Christmas is not a special holiday mentioned in
the Bible. Furthermore it’s now clear that Christ was not born on 25th
December. Again there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the early church
fathers commemorated the birth of Christ. As such, and following in their
example, I do not consider Christmas an important holiday.
What I consider of infinite importance is the
fact that at some point in history, Christ came into this world. Why was he
born into our world? The Bible couldn't have been clearer;
The reason the Son of God
appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.
All very good then. We all want the devil's
malevolent work destroyed. But what is that devil's work?
Again the Bible explains ever so clearly. The full passage reads;
Again the Bible explains ever so clearly. The full passage reads;
He who does what is sinful is of
the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason
the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.
Satan's main work has been to cause men, women
and children to sin. Jesus was born into our world to destroy the work of the
devil which is sin. Sin ultimately leads to death (James 1:14-15). Christ came
to destroy sin and its natural consequence-death. This is the reason for the
Therefore, it goes without saying that any
celebration around the birth of Christ that does not recognise the solemnity of
this fact is a farce. Any Jesus-birthday
celebration that does not connect the manger with Calvary is a mockery of God's
costliest gift to mankind. And trust me, you do not want to mock God.

God is yet merciful. He is willing to forgive (and
forget) 1 john 1:9. For us long as we are still alive we are granted the privilege of
seeking forgiveness for sin- including that of desecrating what
should be the real reason behind Christmas? When we die the opportunity is lost
forever (Hebrews 9:27)
The true follower of Christ is charged with interceding on behalf of his fellow man who still doesn't know God.
The true follower of Christ is charged with interceding on behalf of his fellow man who still doesn't know God.
Are you a true follower of Christ?
If yes, then find a corner and for the sake of
those you love but are yet lost, say a prayer that Christ may destroy the work
of the devil in them.
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