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Love Language

Yesterday was the day of love and the build-up to it had quite a bit of chatter on, "What is your love language?" I hear for some its good vibes, for others its gifts and I once had colleague- young lady who used to say, "Just buy me alcohol".

I have been trying to pin down mine for ages to no avail. The things I enjoy most are those that my wife expressly forbids like eating matumbo or omena in a dirty kibanda, cycling & getting lost in the wilds, motorbike to Dar Es Salaam or Zambia (Ok this last one I am yet to realize). But I guess these do not fall in the known categories. 

Unlike me, my wife has had very specific love languages, but they keep shifting over the years. The constant challenge I have is figuring out whether the era of flowers has ended, and we have entered the era of, “Today, will you go for an evening walk?". For the unacquainted, this is woman-speak for, " I am giving you an opportunity to earn some bonga-points today. Show me how much you love me by accompanying me on my evening walk". Dizzying, eh? I know.
Now, do we ever stop to think about God’s love language? When we say, "I love you Lord", are we speaking the language of
❤️ that he understands or accepts?
Jesus said,

"If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. (John.14:23-24)
In short, for God; Love=Obedience, plain and simple.
Whenever I hear a Kenyan proclaim, "I love God so much!" I shudder to think whether their commitment to the scriptures matches their bold proclamations. We cannot claim to love God and not have a steadfast devotion to obeying his word. Christ showed us by example. He said to his disciples;

“…but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. " (John.14:31a)

He correctly understood that for God, Love=Obedience. 
How about you? How deep do the words strike if you personalize them? Can you say with confidence? “…but the world must learn that I love Jesus Christ, and that I do exactly what my savior has commanded me.”


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