Yesterday was the day of love and the build-up to it had quite a bit of chatter on, "What is your love language?" I hear for some its good vibes, for others its gifts and I once had colleague- young lady who used to say, "Just buy me alcohol". I have been trying to pin down mine for ages to no avail. The things I enjoy most are those that my wife expressly forbids like eating matumbo or omena in a dirty kibanda, cycling & getting lost in the wilds, motorbike to Dar Es Salaam or Zambia (Ok this last one I am yet to realize). But I guess these do not fall in the known categories. Unlike me, my wife has had very specific love languages, but they keep shifting over the years. The constant challenge I have is figuring out whether the era of flowers has ended, and we have entered the era of, “Today, will you go for an evening walk?" . For the unacquainted, this is woman-speak for, " I am giving you an opportunity to earn some bonga-points today. Show me h...