a backdrop of competing ideas, Paul wrote to the Ephesians;
I recently chanced upon
the disaster movie- The Day After Tomorrow where a super storm finds a crowd
of survivors hunkering down in a government building. Soon they spot another group of survivors
trudging towards some unknown refuge. A debate
breaks out in the hallway as to whether they should remain in their present
shelter or join the group outside. A young man desperately tries to convince
them to remain within the building arguing that his father, a
climatologist, had warned him that the weather would deteriorate very rapidly.
Anyone caught outside would instantly freeze to death. Only a few listen to
him. The majority brush him aside and join the group outside.
In a subsequent scene,
temperatures fall so dramatically and ice forms so rapidly as to shutter the
windows of buildings. The tragic assumption is that all those who ventured
outside die in the cataclysmic event. The young man and his band of close
friends survive in the building.
In other words, to know Christ is to know truth and to know truth is to find the path to the Father of our spirits. You will not be able to make sense of the world and of your life until you know Him. Would you like to know the truth? Buy me a coffee😀!
The bible describes two
kinds of wisdom: godly wisdom and earthly wisdom. Godly wisdom comes from God
and leads to life and humility (James 3.13-17). It is found within the pages of scripture
and should guide our every move. Earthly wisdom is ultimately futile and leads
to strife or even death. Which will it be for you?
It is godly wisdom that
will help you separate the truth from the lie. The truths found in God’s word,
properly applied, will save not just your life and your sanity but also your
valued relationships.
Beyond surviving you
should also make attempts at thriving. If you can (mentally) break off from the
‘herd’, you will begin to perceive opportunities. Consider this-even in the worst of times;
-as businesses fell, others found new revenue streams and were re-invented or strengthened,
-as relationships
crumbled, others were cemented,
-as souls died, others
were born again and,
- as some felt lost, others gained a sharper focus and rearranged their affairs accordingly.
So, it’s never all doom
and gloom. A lot depends on your perspective. I find great comfort in the words
of the song by Casting Crowns- Thrive
Just to know You and to
make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun made
darkness run and hide
We know we were made for
so much more
Than ordinary lives
It's time for us to more
than just survive
We were made to thrive.
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