Psalm 43:5 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me? Put your
hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my
Savior and my God.
The Psalmist talks to
himself in a moment of depression. “Why are you downcast, O my soul...why so disturbed..?”
In other words, “…why am I feeling so low…my heart is not at peace!”
This is called
The statement is
repeated in 42:11 so the Psalmist must really have been feeling it. Ever felt
this way? I certainly do from time to time. And unless you are one of those irrepressible
sanguines, eternally optimistic, you certainly have come across the ‘black’ times.

However what is important
in every instance of depressive self-talk is what you tell yourself next. The Psalmist
immediately continues, “…put your hope in God...”
I dare say that is the
most important favour one can do for themselves. When faced with depressing thoughts-put your hope in God!
Even if you don’t quite
feel like it, tell your inner self, “...Put your hope in God...”
Say it audibly so that
your natural and spiritual surroundings can hear it too. This is what the
Psalmist did in his bleak moment.
There is, _greatly
underestimated_ power, in the (spoken) word.
When we speak the word
of God to ourselves during bleak times, we invite His power and comfort in our
lives. We also chase the devil away or weaken his grip with such words. Sometimes
he is the cause of bleak thoughts.
The key is to know and
speak a positive word of God when we pass through these moments.
And like the Psalmist,
every moment of self-talk should end in a determined declaration of praise.
Find something to praise or thank God for. This
is what is called _living by faith_ (Rom.1:17)
“..for I will yet praise him,
my saviour and my God.”
Image credits; Ahmed Al-Shukaili
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