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A Run Thru Philippians-Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who Is The Fairest Of Us All?

Phil. 2:3-4(NLT)  Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.

One time, one of my college friends remarked out of the blue, “Hey, I think I am the most humble person among all of you.”
We all burst out laughing and this became a running joke for the rest of the year. It pleased us to no end to see him squirm each time someone said (in a singsong  voice), “I am so humble, please give me some of that bread” or publicly to a girl, “I am so humble, please accompany me to the dining hall”.
However it set me thinking about what it means NOT to be humble. So here is a sample.
·      A gentle or quiet personality does not equate to humility. I have met some very quiet, gentle-looking individuals who are also the most stubborn and big-headed men this side of town. I hear they are called the quietly proud.
·      To be shy is not a sign of humility. On the contrary it is a sign of deep-seated pride. Shyness is really over-blown self-consciousness. A self-conscious person reacts disproportionately to what he/she perceives as other people’s view of him/her. It simply means that if you are inordinately shy, you are one who thinks a lot about yourself. Self-preoccupation is just another name for self-pride.
·      A loud personality does not equate to pride. In Numbers 12:3 Moses, the choleric leader of the wandering Israelites is endorsed by God as the most humble man on the face of the earth. Figure that!
·      To admit that you are humble is in itself a sign of pride. Only Jesus could make this claim conscience-free.
·      An attitude of submission is not necessarily an act of humility. If you doubt just ask any married woman about Kenyan house-helps.
·      To be preoccupied with self-image is a sign of pride
·      Always agreeing to do what other people want is not a sign of humility. It is a camouflaged craving for acceptance. This is sure path to pride for what happens when you eventually gain acceptance. Yep, you guessed right-you become proud that you now belong!
·      To frown upon pleasure (asceticism) is not necessarily a sign of humility. Neither is living your life with an ever-increasing legalistic dos and don’ts. It could very well be an indication that you are steeped deep in false humility; the kind that Paul describes when he says; Phil. 2:20-23 Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: 21 “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? 22 These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. 23 Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
So the test is this; if any of your rules does not help you in restraining your sinful impulses then discard it. Of course the converse is true.
·      An excessively self-deprecating attitude or excessive modesty is not a sign of humility. On this last point I recall another friend who (quite seriously) remarked to me, “Henry, on my first day in college, I looked at all the girls and concluded that in the whole campus, there was only one godly and humble girl”. Quite puzzled I asked, “Why do you say that?” He went on rather impatiently, “You see friend, I found Sembi (not her real name) dutifully sweeping the area outside her room and she was the only girl who was not wearing a trouser. She had tied around her waist a beautiful ‘shuka’ ”.
Afraid to ask any more questions I let the matter rest. However I kept wondering whether it was the ‘shuka’ or the sweeping that had made this girl humble.
All I can say now is that the modest ‘shuka’ is certainly not an indication of humility. I lived in Mombasa and endured very proud Swahili women whose most distinctive characteristic was pride, their colourful ‘shukas’ notwithstanding. 

So then, what is true humility? From the bible we learn that;

1.    It is considering other people better than yourself. This is in Philippians 2 as quoted above. Many of the so-called MoGs (Men of God) fail spectacularly on this point. Same to a good number of Christians in other positions of authority. Even when you are highly exalted, there is, if you carefully check, something that those below you are better at than you. Identify it and learn to appreciate other people’s gifts, talents and abilities.
2.   It is having a proper and balanced view of yourself-not too low a self-esteem and not too high a view of oneself. Romans 12:3(NLT) says; Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.
3.   It is avoiding the kind of false humility so prevalent with some of the so-called prophets/apostles. Paul speaks strongly against it. He says; Phil. 2:18-19 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. 19 They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
Their main claim to fame is that they have supernatural revelations and interactions hidden from the common man. For a majority, a careful check of scripture against their works and private lives quickly reveals the shallowness of their faith. DO NOT be found among them. 

Jesus life is the ultimate example of true humility.
The bible says that though he was in every measure God (the same way I can say you are in every measure human), he did not go around bragging that he was God. Instead he took on the ignominious task of donning human nature. And it was indeed a demeaning task for God to stoop to the level of humans-His creation.

The bible says that he went even further. He humbled himself and left his kingly place in heaven to become a servant among common men. If you can picture God in His heavenly throne, worshipped and adored by men and angels, dwelling in unapproachable light, so holy that only a certain type of angelic beings can approach His manifest presence, then you will agree that the bible is right to record that he became ‘nothing’. Worse still he submitted himself to the most shameful way to die at that time-death on the cross! Phil.2:6-11

Why did he do this? Well, because he loved you (see John 3:16-17) and his primary desire is that he could redeem as many as possible from the raging fires of hell (see John 3:18).

If we model after Jesus and genuinely love people, not with words but in action (1 John 3:16-18) then true humility will naturally flow from us.

Both God and man will be pleased.





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