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Joseph -Pictures of a mysterious God(Calamity Love)

….is incarcerated and blessed at every turn—Genesis 39 & 42 
In an unfortunate turn of events Joseph is sold off as a slave by his siblings to some merchants headed to Egypt. In captivity, he thrives against all odds and is soon made the chief-manager over his master’s house.
However as fate would have it he is soon caught up in what would have been a torrid love affair had he not turned down Potiphar’s wife. He is then thrown into prison but even there the bible records that God so blessed the work of his hands that he was given oversight over the other prisoners.
Joseph’s mix of troubles and successes in Egypt contain some pointers for us.

Like Joseph’s brothers, one is often unaware that the religious words he  strenuously rejected are actually God’s initial move. 

Often times such a person will feel strangely violated in his innermost person and will attempt to thrust any thoughts of God as far away as he possibly can. This is because Go always cut to the chase. He never does anything superficial. Instead he reaches down to a man's most inmost parts. The bible puts it this way;
For whatever God says to us is full of living power: it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are. Heb. 4:12 (TLB)
But like a beautiful girl who instinctively knows her game, God will still display his observable beauty in a way that any man can understand. How?

After rejecting God's initial word, the man will find himself becoming more and more aware of those who call themselves Christians.
His reaction towards them maybe one of anger like Joseph’s brothers or he may be gripped with a nagging curiosity to explore their lives. However having rejected the initial God-thought he will be limited to observing from a distance the evidence of God’s goodness in other people’s lives.
Whether he likes it or not he will witness and sort of envy the sense of order, peace and self-assurance in the lives of those truly follow Jesus. Like Joseph, the follower of Jesus will handle adversity with their faith in God's goodness intact. Many will excel even in areas they are presumably unqualified. These will leave the non-Christian wondering. This is God displaying his observable beauty.

However, the non-Christian will still have too many encumbrances to consider laying aside all that he has and does so as to enter that narrow gate. Jesus described the narrow gate that leads to God's heaven as a life journey of continuous self-denial (Luke 9:23) and child-like faith. (Matt. 18:2-4)
Many at this stage tell themselves;
·       I cannot see how I can stop seeing him/her.

·       Playing the field keeps my juices running.

·       I really must pursue this man. He's the best but he is my ticket to a good life.

·        These deals are really good; maybe I will relax after I have established myself.

·       How does one even survive without his favorite tipple?

·        If He (God) were so good, how come He didn't take of me; of us?
However will not stop at just showing his pretty side. He swiftly goes into the end-game 'games'. Lets turn to Joseph again.

In a stunning series of events Joseph swiftly rose from being a captive slave to be the prime-minister of Egypt. Meanwhile his dad and siblings in the land of Canaan saw their fortunes dwindle as famine ravaged the land. Eventually, Jacob, still grieving the loss of his beloved son, urged his remaining children to go find them some food in Egypt.
There, Joseph’s siblings came face to face with their brother but they did not recognize him. However as they respectfully bowed before him, Joseph recognized each one of them. He recalled his dreams and set in motion a secret plan that would bring not just his brothers to him, but his ageing father as well.
Looking back many Christians realize that certain coincidences had started playing into their lives long before they became followers of Jesus. Like Joseph’s brothers, some calamity drove them to God. At the time, they didn’t know Jesus and indeed had no overt wish to get acquainted with him. But they sought his help nevertheless.

Like Joseph’s siblings many at this stage bow down before Christ not cognisant of who he is nor what he really requires of them. And yet God listens. He recalls how at some point we fought him away and consigned him to the deepest recesses of our minds. As He observes us bowing before Him, He becomes curious about us again. His love is rekindled.  He begins to think of a plan to get us back to him. He hopes his plan will work this time round.

God begins His plan with him answering your little prayer. In this biblical account we read that Joseph held back Simeon in Egypt as he sent his clueless brothers on their away. Likewise God often demands and keeps something valuable to you to ensure that you go back to him at some point. 

Joseph also ensured that the money his brothers paid for grain was secretly stashed back into their luggage. You can imagine their consternation when they unloaded their goods.
Like the returned money God will many times gives you back way more than you anticipated.
Many feel a little uncomfortable because this places certain unspoken demands upon them. Besides they never want to go back there. Who wants to grovel before an unseen entity they don’t quite understand? But there is more.


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