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Showing posts from March, 2016

Joseph -Pictures of a mysterious God(End-game)

Return to Egypt, Joseph reveals himself-Genesis 43-45 Recently I over-heard my wife almost shouting at someone we've both known for some time now. She was saying,   "..nimeona hauna bidii ya maisha wala ya Mungu!" (I have observed that you do not try to better yourself in life; neither do you put much effort in seeking God!).   I cringed but then she expertly turned the conversation into a discussion about the 'Four Spiritual Laws' and I relaxed. Later I learnt that the person had cynically questioned how a close relative we stay with could spend all her Easter holidays in a remote prayer-retreat center. Sometimes, God allows circumstances to come down on us really hard in a bid to catch our attention. His concern for our spiritual welfare drives him to allow things in our lives he'd rather not permit if he had other options. It is almost as if he gets exasperated like my wife and has to shout back at our faithless musings...

Joseph -Pictures of a mysterious God(Calamity Love)

….is incarcerated and blessed at every turn—Genesis 39 & 42  In an unfortunate turn of events Joseph is sold off as a slave by his siblings to some merchants headed to Egypt. In captivity, he thrives against all odds and is soon made the chief-manager over his master’s house. However as fate would have it he is soon caught up in what would have been a torrid love affair had he not turned down Potiphar’s wife. He is then thrown into prison but even there the bible records that God so blessed the work of his hands that he was given oversight over the other prisoners. Joseph’s mix of troubles and successes in Egypt contain some pointers for us. Like Joseph’s brothers, one is often unaware that the religious words he  strenuously rejected are actually God’s initial move.  Often times such a person will feel strangely violated in his innermost person and will attempt to thrust any thoughts of God as far away as he possibly can. This is because...

Joseph -Pictures of a mysterious God (Dreams)

Perhaps the most confusing time for any young man is when he has determined to chase a girl he likes. Many times he will not understand the girl. She will look like she likes him and wants him but she will not love him back openly. He will not understand why she regards his best jokes coolly and directs a disproportionate amount of anger at his slightest misstep. He will be baffled with her enthusiastic stream of SMS one day and rattled by her ominous silence the very next day. At one moment he might be dancing in elation and the next he could very well be gnashing his teeth in frustration. And yet he will not be able to resist her mysterious pull on him. He will go back again and again to be knocked over the head and nurse his injuries alone. But sometimes it is good to be a fool and being the fool he has become, he will quietly determine to push on. The journey to one becoming a Christian is very much like the dating game.   And by Christian I don’t mean one who a...

Leviticus 10-Why I Won't Do TV

In reading through the bible today I contemplated Leviticus 10. The Israelites were done with worshipping the golden calf in exodus 32. It had been a very tense moment when the masses openly challenged the authority of Moses and of God over their lives. Now was another tense moment. Aaron's sons had gone against newly instituted worship rituals and God had killed them on the spot. A very unfortunate event coming so soon after their ordination. However it is Leviticus 10:10 that caught my attention; "You must distinguish between the holy and the common..." Holy means, set aside for God. I ask myself; what does this mean for me? For some the word holy evokes images of the Pope arrayed in gloriously white vestments. Personally I think holiness is much more mundane than we think. Let me explain. Leviticus 10:10 took my mind back to the commitment I made some time in 2013 to avoid watching TV especially local news. My motivation then, was to get away from the po...