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Pictures of Grace: The Gospel According to Jacob

Jacob’s story reads like one of those teary soap-operas that keep some glued to televisions year in year out. Of the Bible’s godly men, he stands out as one of the most notorious Bible characters.
The story of his life straddles the first book of the bible like a colossus, gobbling up 15 whole chapters (Genesis 25-49). God’s decision to give this maverick acres of bible-space should tell you something about God’s view of the Christian’s life.
Here is a running (or rambling J) commentary of his biography. See if you can glean some parallels with your own journey in the faith.
While still in the womb he jostles (I think it’s more like wrestles) with his twin brother causing his mother great discomfort. As she cries out in pain a prophecy is made that sets the stage for the tumultuous life he would lead.
" ..the older (Esau) will serve the younger (Jacob)…." Gen.25:23
However Jacob was not going to patiently wait for the prediction to come. As their mother labored to deliver her babies Esau came out first but Jacob not one to be easily denied, came out firmly grasping his brother's heel.

Was he trying to come out first? Even then he seemed to be attempting to usurp his brother's position as first born. For his efforts his parents named him ' The one who deceives '. Yes, this is what Jacob means!
A few years later, he did get the opportunity to usurp his brother's birth-right. Esau came in famished and Jacob offered him food only on condition that he gives up his rights as a firstborn to him.
In Jewish culture such rights included a bigger portion of inheritance and the first chance to receive a father's blessing. These were was deemed very important indeed. Esau soon forgot about this small incident but Jacob and his mother Rebecca did not.
A few years later as a teenager, Jacob with his mother's help, conspired to trick his ageing father into conferring the 'firstborn' blessings upon him. The real drama had now begun.

Esau  was furious. He promised to murder someone. We all know who.
Rebecca was now truly worried. If Esau killed Jacob he would himself be killed in accordance with the rules of retributive justice. Then she would be left with no son.
Not one to worry forever she came up with a plan which she sold to Jacob. That is how father Isaac sent Jacob away ostensibly to 'look' for a wife.
And this is how it also came to pass that;
  •  father was left to rue his grand mistake,
  • mother biting her nails that Esau would not pursue Jacob( Esau was a great hunter) and,
  •  Jacob running for dear life.
This reminds me of a few people I know. Through their own mischief, they have made some big mistakes in the past. Of course I rank very well in this list.
Like Jacob, such men and women have rankled both God and fellow man time and again. They deserve some form of life-long punishment or worse. Some are in the stage where Jacob was-running away from trouble of their own making. Check your life.
Have you been running away from God?

Jacob had not gone for long when he ran straight into God. The bible records;
Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Harran. When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the Lord...Gen. 28:10-13(a)

The fact that God chose to seek out such a guy should tell you something about your own life. It should also tell you something God.
Like Jacob, it is likely that the one who runs away from God will sooner or later run into Him. God on the other hand extends a continuous welcome to us for as long as we are still alive in this world. This is regardless of our past.

 In one part of the bible Christians refer to this phenomenon as grace. In another part of the bible God embodies it fully when He says;
Come, let us talk about these things [reason together; or settle this matter; or consider your options]. Though your sins are like scarlet [Cstained with blood; vv. 15, 21], they can be as white as snow. Though your sins are deep red [Lred as crimson/purple], they can be white like wool. Isaiah 1:18(EXB)

If we choose take up this invitation, there is a promise for all; Christian or not. The promise is given in past tense because it is a guaranteed word:
He has removed our sins as far away from us as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12(TLB)
This is grace.
 Will you meet up with a trusted friend or two and confess the bad deed. It is very liberating. It will give you peace. I have tried it. Tell me how it goes.


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