So we welcome
politicians into our churches. No problem in that. In fact they should be
welcome. But when we give such men our pulpits we best be sure that we know
them well. There is no need of welcoming to our pulpits men we know don't keep
their word, are needlessly violent or even engaged in criminal activities.
Christ must remain the only VVIP in our congregations.
Even when they carry
wads of cash we must not allow them to assuage their guilty conscience by
donating to our projects. For such sacrifices can never clear the conscience (Heb. 9:9)
When we give them
our pulpits to speak half-godly words simply because we seek their donations
then we pander to their vanity and so fail to point them to the Saviour who
alone can cleanse a guilty conscience(Heb.10:22).
We must tell them
that they are welcome-but only as part of the listening, worshipping
congregation. And if they must donate, let us accord them the same treatment as
other donating congregants; perhaps a brief salutary acknowledgment of their
presence but no more. Christ must remain the only VVIP in our congregations.
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