I did say earlier that Obama was the most popular person on earth because he garnered 1 million new twitter followers in just 4.5 hours. Well, apparently there is another more popular guy (oops girl!). Her name is Bruce (sorry again), Caitlyn Jenner.Jenner broke Obama's Twitter record for the shortest time to reach one million followers when she announced to the world her transformation, achieving the mark in four hours and three minutes. The very beautiful (yes beauty is surely in the eye of the beholder!)Caitlyn was once a man-for 65 years! And not just any man; (s)he was an Olympic champion back then. She is now toasted as one of the products of the (extreme) moral agenda that has been a hallmark of the Obama presidency.
In May of 2012, Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. president to publicly declare support for the legalization of same-sex marriage. But even before this, the U.S. had seen a dramatic increase in the number of states legalizing gay marriage. It is safe to say that there is nothing that has characterized the Obama administration more than its aggresive advancement of the gay agenda. In Kenya, the drums of a psycho-social war along these lines are already sounding. But before I properly join this duel, let me tell you a story.
A few months ago the taps in our house ran dry. We did not panic. This was normal. Water would make a sudden disappearance on Wednesdays and just like a beautiful and mysterious woman, it would reappear on Friday evenings. However, on this particular week there was no water on Friday evening. By Saturday afternoon we were in a near panic. I tried to think of all the possible places we could get cheap but clean water. As we drove out to buy some vegetables we could see men pushing handcarts full of 20 litre jerricans of water but no; we couldn’t touch those. They were rarely from a clean source. "Surely there must be a serious water crisis!" we told ourselves. On Sunday I thoughfully put 8 water containers in the car as we went to church. They would come in handy in case we came across some clean water on the way. In church I made sure to lift my hands up to God and ask Him to help us. We had small kids you know. After church I convinced my wife that we pass through Kibera; " Those guys in the slum always have water," I opined. As we drove along ngong road we saw more handcarts and sweaty but determined men pushing them. And did I see a some of those hand-cart pushers smiling? Or maybe I was just imaging things. Perhaps they were looking forward to the premium they would charge those desperate but 'rich' people (like me) in the estates. I wondered whether God had heard my prayer.
In May of 2012, Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. president to publicly declare support for the legalization of same-sex marriage. But even before this, the U.S. had seen a dramatic increase in the number of states legalizing gay marriage. It is safe to say that there is nothing that has characterized the Obama administration more than its aggresive advancement of the gay agenda. In Kenya, the drums of a psycho-social war along these lines are already sounding. But before I properly join this duel, let me tell you a story.
A few months ago the taps in our house ran dry. We did not panic. This was normal. Water would make a sudden disappearance on Wednesdays and just like a beautiful and mysterious woman, it would reappear on Friday evenings. However, on this particular week there was no water on Friday evening. By Saturday afternoon we were in a near panic. I tried to think of all the possible places we could get cheap but clean water. As we drove out to buy some vegetables we could see men pushing handcarts full of 20 litre jerricans of water but no; we couldn’t touch those. They were rarely from a clean source. "Surely there must be a serious water crisis!" we told ourselves. On Sunday I thoughfully put 8 water containers in the car as we went to church. They would come in handy in case we came across some clean water on the way. In church I made sure to lift my hands up to God and ask Him to help us. We had small kids you know. After church I convinced my wife that we pass through Kibera; " Those guys in the slum always have water," I opined. As we drove along ngong road we saw more handcarts and sweaty but determined men pushing them. And did I see a some of those hand-cart pushers smiling? Or maybe I was just imaging things. Perhaps they were looking forward to the premium they would charge those desperate but 'rich' people (like me) in the estates. I wondered whether God had heard my prayer.
Kibera was full of handcarts. "Surely the situation must be dire!" I thought to myself. We wove through the human traffic until I finally spotted what looked like a clean water point. We promptly filled our containers and drove off. For the next three days we saw more handcarts and I prayed more furtively as I passed through the same water-point to fill up. It was a difficult time my friend. Why was God not listening to me?

At this point I would also like to state that I have nothing particular against gay individuals seeing that I have had friends who were secretly gay. I understand that some have real struggles with same-sex attraction. I do believe that any initiatives towards them must be tempered with the kind of love and wisdom that Jesus had. This love is what drew the maligned, the destitute, the prostitutes, the hated tax-enforcers and other misfits to him. I tread cautiously on this but the closest I come is Franklin Graham's quote; "Being gay-friendly is not optional; it is a commandment from Jesus. But being an advocate for the gay lifestyle contradicts God's word."
What I do not agree with is the philosophy and the spirit that informs the quest for gay equality. At it’s roots is a grand denial that God exists. And where they admit that God indeed exists, they refuse to accept Him in His true character as presented in scripture. Many claim that since we are products of evolutionary processes the individual has no choice concerning same-sex attraction. But God says we have a choice(Romans 1:19-28). God has drawn up certain moral standards for societies to live by. Some find these difficult to follow. They look for reasons to justify their ways and thus reject God altogether. Like other unnatural desires same-sex attraction can have many roots but this does not mean that we follow our every natural desire. The root, be it medical, spiritual or simply a result of youthful experimentation can and should be dealt with.
What I do not agree with is the philosophy and the spirit that informs the quest for gay equality. At it’s roots is a grand denial that God exists. And where they admit that God indeed exists, they refuse to accept Him in His true character as presented in scripture. Many claim that since we are products of evolutionary processes the individual has no choice concerning same-sex attraction. But God says we have a choice(Romans 1:19-28). God has drawn up certain moral standards for societies to live by. Some find these difficult to follow. They look for reasons to justify their ways and thus reject God altogether. Like other unnatural desires same-sex attraction can have many roots but this does not mean that we follow our every natural desire. The root, be it medical, spiritual or simply a result of youthful experimentation can and should be dealt with.
On this matter, the Obama administration has adopted a very belligerent attitude that borders on tyranny. Why for instance would they go about it as if they are carrying out a military enforcement-policy? Why are they trampling on other people’s right to say no to what they don’t subscribe to? Sample this story from the great America, the so-called land of freedom;
Sweet Cakes by Melissa shuttered its doors after a 2013 incident when the bakery's owners refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, citing their religious beliefs. A lesbian couple responded by filing a civil complaint. A judge recommended that the bakery be fined $135,000 in emotional damages. A GoFundMe page was quickly set up for the bakery, which is owned by Melissa Klein and her husband. The bakery wrote on its Facebook page that the amount owed would financially ruin the Klein family, and that the money was not going to come from the business, but "would have to be paid from money that should be going to pay for food and housing for us and our five children." The campaign raised a little over $100,000 before it was taken off the site the next day. (CNNMoney)
It is official now that the U.S.A. is persecuting some of its own citizens for what they believe. How the world has changed! It may seem far-fetched but trust me on this; soon it will be you and me facing persecution.
The environment has become so pervasive that some well known Christian leaders are crumbling. 
It has taken (me) countless hours of prayer, study, conversation and emotional turmoil to bring me to the place where I am finally ready to call for the full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the Church.( Tony Campolo: For the Record)
I wonder where Tony Campolo found this in the Bible. Others however are not taking it lying down. Franklin Graham the son of Billy Graham took the drastic step of closing two corporate bank accounts at Wells Fargo Bank after he watched an ad sponsored by the bank featuring a lesbian couple with an adopted child. An exasperated Franklin Graham wrote on his facebook page;
I wonder where Tony Campolo found this in the Bible. Others however are not taking it lying down. Franklin Graham the son of Billy Graham took the drastic step of closing two corporate bank accounts at Wells Fargo Bank after he watched an ad sponsored by the bank featuring a lesbian couple with an adopted child. An exasperated Franklin Graham wrote on his facebook page;
“Have you ever asked yourself: How can we fight the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats by big business, the media, and the gay & lesbian community?”
I had penned a nice ending to this bit but I will let this man summarize for you some of my beliefs regarding this touchy issue.
… while I believe millions of Americans share my views on this matter and my beliefs about same-sex marriage, I also realize, based on polls and trends (and a pending Supreme Court decision), I might soon find myself in the minority. Even so, my position is not based upon polls or trends, political winds or Supreme Court wisdom. It is based upon God's word, the Holy Bible written more than 2 thousand years ago, and that document is not subject to amendment or revision.
Franklin Graham CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association & President of Samaritan Purse.
So now we are about to welcome and celebrate a man who advocates with a vigour that no previous world leader has ever displayed, a value system that goes against our cultural and religious sensibilities . If Kenya were my village and I were the head-man, Obama would not be welcome!
So now we are about to welcome and celebrate a man who advocates with a vigour that no previous world leader has ever displayed, a value system that goes against our cultural and religious sensibilities . If Kenya were my village and I were the head-man, Obama would not be welcome!
P.S. If you are really interested or are struggling with same-sex attraction please read this uplifting story.http://www.thetwocities.com/practical-theology/testimony-practical-theology/im-kinda-sorta-yeah-not-really-gay/#comment-49579
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