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Showing posts from May, 2016

House Rules

Some of my most memorable moments are when I am away from home and we are having some catching up time with the children over Skype. One recent conversation started off with my son’s exuberant proclamations; Son with eyes suddenly opened to their maximum size: Today I was spanked!! Me: why were you spanked? Son: Are you coming home today? Me: No, I will be there on Saturday. Son (counting fingers): Saturday? Son with eyes about to pop out: I was beaten three times (holding up three stout fingers) Me: why were you spanked? Son: (counting first finger and shouting) I was spanked for screaming at Yuni!! Me: Ehe Son: Two (holding out two fingers, eyes almost out of sockets now). I was spanked because I refused to sleep Me: (Wondering whether his eyes will make it) Son: Three I was beaten because I pushed my sister Me: That’s not right Son: Then I was given two time-outs!!! (son jabbing animatedly at the computer screen) Me: Sigh! (Wondering whether he is triumphant or...

My Word Stands II

Soon  the tectonic changes bearing down on  us in the moral and technological arena will bring forth a brave new world. At least this is how it appears to those who readily embrace change. I am not one of them. In a world which is in constant flux, I prefer to interrogate first, the standing and philosophy of those behind the change. From there I determine whether the change is acceptable or if I will be among those who resist it. All the time I determine to interpret every new thing through the lens of unchanging scripture. How about you? As you think about this, allow me to share with you a quote by one John Masilela. "Sometimes change will not be given to you. You must ask for it." This is, by all appearances a profound statement until you ask who John Masilela is. Who is he? Well, he is a bus conductor . You see my good friend, appearances can be deceiving especially where things around ...

My Word Stands-I

There is a high-sounding saying among today’s do-gooders that change is the only thing that is constant . Everything moves and transforms. Foundations shift. Everything is relative. No one accepts absolutes anymore. There is no such thing as an immortal, personal or unchanging deity. There are no moral absolutes. There is no everlasting truth. Everything changes with time.   Ever since the great philosopher RenĂ© Descartes cast man as ‘a person who makes his own law and takes his own stand, ’ there has been an ongoing ‘ deliverance ’ of humanity from Christian revelational truth. The educated in modern society are taught that God is no longer the guarantor of truth. Each person must shape and guarantee his own reality. The outflow of this flawed reasoning is that few learned people ever want to see themselves as a child obedient to God. Now that we mention it I do recall that there is one who came long before Descartes. In the harrowing account leading to the crucifixion, ...