Some of my most memorable moments are when I am away from home and we are having some catching up time with the children over Skype. One recent conversation started off with my son’s exuberant proclamations; Son with eyes suddenly opened to their maximum size: Today I was spanked!! Me: why were you spanked? Son: Are you coming home today? Me: No, I will be there on Saturday. Son (counting fingers): Saturday? Son with eyes about to pop out: I was beaten three times (holding up three stout fingers) Me: why were you spanked? Son: (counting first finger and shouting) I was spanked for screaming at Yuni!! Me: Ehe Son: Two (holding out two fingers, eyes almost out of sockets now). I was spanked because I refused to sleep Me: (Wondering whether his eyes will make it) Son: Three I was beaten because I pushed my sister Me: That’s not right Son: Then I was given two time-outs!!! (son jabbing animatedly at the computer screen) Me: Sigh! (Wondering whether he is triumphant or...